1H-purina- 2,6(3H,7H)-dion
teina, metilteobromina |
popular caffeine or caffeine, xanthine alkaloid compound is crystalline
and bitter taste that works as a psychoactive stimulant drug and a mild
diuretic. Caffeine was discovered by a German chemist, Friedrich Ferdinand Runge, in 1819. He coined the term "caffeine" to refer to the chemical compound in coffee. Caffeine also called guaranina when found in guarana, mateina when found in mate, and teina when found in tea. All terms are equally refer to the same chemical compound.Caffeine is found naturally in foods such as coffee beans, tea leaves, kola fruit, guarana, and mate. In plants, it acts as a natural pesticide that paralyzes and off certain insects that eat plants. He is generally consumed by humans in extracting it from coffee beans and tea leaves.Caffeine is a central nervous system stimulant drugs in humans and can ward off drowsiness temporarily. Drinks that contain caffeine, such as coffee, tea, and soft drinks, are very popular. Caffeine is a psychoactive substance most consumed in the world. Unlike other psychoactive substances, caffeine legal and unregulated in nearly all jurisdictions the world. In North America, 90% of adults consume caffeine every day
Coffee beans, the main source of caffeineCaffeine found in many plant species, where it acts as a natural pesticide. It was reported that high levels of caffeine found in the newly emerging seedlings. Crippling caffeine and off certain insects that eat plants. High levels of caffeine which is also found in soil around the seedling beans. It is known that he served as a germination inhibitor that inhibits the germination of other nearby coffee seedlings, thus improving the survival rate of seedling coffee itself.Sources of caffeine are commonly used are coffee, tea, and cocoa. In addition, mate and guarana plants is also sometimes used in the manufacture of energy drinks and teas. Two alternative names caffeine, mateina and guaranina, derived from the name of the two plants. Some fans claim that mateina mate is stereoisomer of caffeine. This is not true, because caffeine is an achiral molecule, so he did not has enantiomer or stereoisomer. Impression and the different effects found in many natural sources of caffeine are caused by caffeine sources also contain a mixture of other xanthine alkaloids, including teofilina which stimulates heartbeat, Theobromine, and other substances such as polyphenols. The main sources of caffeine are coffee beans world. The content of caffeine in coffee varies, depending on the type of coffee bean and the method of manufacture used . In general, one serving of coffee contains about 40 mg (30 mL espresso arabica varieties) caffeine, up to 100 mg of caffeine to one cup (120 mL) of coffee. Generally, dark-roast coffee has a lower caffeine content because the roasting process reduces the caffeine content in the seeds. varieties of arabica coffee generally contains less caffeine content than Robusta coffee varieties. Coffee also contains teofilina small number, but it does not contain Theobromine.
Tea is another source of caffeine. Although tea contains higher levels of caffeine than coffee, tea is generally served in a dish levels much lower. The content of caffeine also vary on the types of tea leaves differently. Tea contains small amounts of Theobromine and teofilina levels are slightly higher than the coffee. Water color of tea is not a good indicator to determine the caffeine content. For example, the Japanese tea such as green tea gyokuro paler colored contains far more caffeine than tea lapsang souchong darker colored.Caffeine is also contained in some soft drinks such as cola. Soft drinks typically contain about 10 to 50 milligrams of caffeine per serving. Caffeine in the drink can be derived from this type of beverage ingredients themselves ataunya of additives obtained from the dekafeinasi. Guarana, a key ingredient manufacture energy drinks, contains large amounts of caffeine with the amount of Theobromine and teofilina small. Chocolate derived from cocoa beans contains a small amount of caffeine. Stimulating effect produced by the combination of chocolate comes from the effects of Theobromine, teofilina, and caffeine. Chocolate contains a very small amount of caffeine to cause stimulation equivalent to coffee. 28 g serving of milk chocolate bars contain high levels of caffeine equivalent to a cup of coffee didekafeinasi.Lately, many manufacturers started adding caffeine into their bath products (shampoo and soap), claiming that caffeine can be absorbed through the skin. However, the effectiveness of such products has not been proven, because the caffeine will not easily absorbed through the skin.
Synthesis and characteristics of caffeine
Metabolism and toxicityCaffeine molecule metabolites that have 1-3-7-amino trimetilurat, paraksantina, teofillina and Theobromine with each trajectory metabolism. caffeine adenosine receptor binding in the brain. Adenosine nucleotides is the reduced activity of nerve cells when tethered to the cell. Such as adenosine, caffeine molecule is also tied to the same receptors, but the effects are different. Caffeine will not slow down the activity of nerve cells / brain, whereas blocking adenosine to function. The impact resulted in increased brain activity and hormone epinephrine released. These hormones will increase heart rate, raise blood pressure, increase blood supply to the muscles, reducing blood supply to the skin and internal organs, and secrete glucose from the liver. Furthermore, caffeine also increases the neurotransmitter dopamine in the brain surface.Caffeine can be quickly removed from the brain, unlike alcohol or stimulants of the central nervous system so it does not interfere with other higher mental functions and brain pedestal. Consumption of caffeine in a sustainable manner will cause the body to become tolerant to the presence of caffeine. Therefore, if the internal production of caffeine removed (called "dependency discharge"), the body becomes less sensitive to adenosine and cause a sudden drop in blood pressure which in turn cause headaches and other symptoms. A recent study says caffeine can reduce the risk of Parkinson's disease, but it still requires in-depth study.Too much caffeine can cause poisoning (intoxication) caffeine (ie high on caffeine). Among these symptoms are restlessness, anxiety, insomnia, joy, flushing, frequent urination (diuresis), and problems gastrointestial. These symptoms can occur even if only 250 mg of caffeine taken. If more than 1g of caffeine consumed in a day, symptoms such as muscle cramps (muscle twitching), tangling thoughts and words, kardium arrhythmias (disturbances in heart beat) m and turmoil psychomotor (psychomotor agitation) may occur. Caffeine intoxication can also lead to panic and anxiety illnesses.Although it is still safe for humans, caffeine, teofilina, and Theobromine (in cocoa) more poison for some animals, like cats and dogs because of differences in liver metabolism.
in your article i find a problem about how to caffeine can be synthesized from dimetilurea and malonic acid?
BalasHapusHi chitra
BalasHapusInside I found your piece of new information, where it is written that
1. Tea is a source of caffeine. Although tea contains higher levels of caffeine than coffee, tea is generally served in a dish at a much lower level. Why is this so?
2. If caffeine contained in coffee can eliminate the effects of sleepiness, why the tea, no?
3. and when someone has been accustomed to drinking coffee, then the effect will not be felt not sleepy anymore, why be so, rather than the more we drink coffee we insomnia?
4. written in your article that because caffeine will not easily absorbed through the skin. But we now see many products skin lotion that uses the properties of coffee beans which certainly contains caffeine, but caffeine can not be absorbed by the skin, please explain!
Sorry sob, the question a lot, because your article is very interesting
thankz :)
Hi Ika
HapusI'll try to answer one of your question
Caffeine is a central nervous system and metabolic stimulant, and is used both recreationally and medically to reduce physical fatigue and to restore alertness when drowsiness occurs. It produces increased wakefulness, faster and clearer flow of thought, increased focus, and better general body coordination.The amount of caffeine needed to produce effects varies from person to person, depending on body size and degree of tolerance. Caffeine has a number of effects on sleep, but does not affect all people in the same way. If caffeine is consumed continuously the center nervous will form an immunity that causes the central nervous are no longer stimulated by these stimulants.
Same as if we were taking a medications with a certain dose, the body will form an immunity to that medications. If the next day we having the same pain, that medication with the same dose, will no longer react with our bodies, in order to react the dose should be increased
@tiara: thank you tiara for your answer from ika question,, its very help me ..
BalasHapus@Ika : ok ika,, Thanks before your quesytion and I will try to answer the question number one:
that coffee and tea steeping longer time will make the content of caffeine in these drinks is increasingly tinggi.Hal as coffee or tea that is brewed longer will cause more caffeine out of coffee beans or tea and then move into the cup.
The process will be semakian spending a lot of caffeine in beverages brewed too long finish. The picture is a brewed coffee or tea 5 mins out of caffeine will be more than a brewed coffee or tea 3 minutes.
In coffee, coffee bean roasting process also affect caffeine content left. Because the coffee bean roasting destroys some caffeine so lower levels compared with no baked beans or a short time only.
While the caffeine content of tea is affected by many factors, therefore, are not always black tea contains caffeine higher than green tea or white tea has the least caffeine content.
The biggest factor affecting the levels of caffeine in tea is part of the tea plant are used. At the tea plant, the caffeine content of most numerous in the bud leaves, while older leaves and stems have a lower caffeine content.
to question number two, I will try to answer,
Caffeine (caffeine) are contained in tea is about 7.6% of the dry weight. Measure the amount of caffeine in one cup of tea (about 200 ml) is 50 mg or about 40% of the half a cup of the same if we make coffee. Caffeine content in tea is lower due to formation of such a complex is incorporated in tea polyphenols, thereby stimulating effect it creates is also lighter. This mild stimulating effect causes drowsiness we feel. but again it depends on how we consume and the time seduhannya longer will make the content of caffeine in these drinks is increasing. because the caffeine content is determined by the length of time the tea leaves are dried. Caffeine itself is a central nervous system stimulants that will increase the frequency of breathing, pulse, blood pressure, and stimulates the body to release stress hormones. The impact of perceived body such as dizziness, heart pounding, and insomnia (trouble sleeping).
nice topic, cit...
BalasHapusi also read that coffee (caffeine) can stop the bleeding. Is that true, cit ? could you give me the explanation ?
hi ekky hi chitra
Hapusi dont agree with ekky please read this
>> Metabolism and toxicityCaffeine molecule metabolites that have 1-3-7-amino trimetilurat, paraksantina, teofillina and Theobromine with each trajectory metabolism. caffeine adenosine receptor binding in the brain. Adenosine nucleotides is the reduced activity of nerve cells when tethered to the cell. Such as adenosine, caffeine molecule is also tied to the same receptors, but the effects are different. Caffeine will not slow down the activity of nerve cells / brain, whereas blocking adenosine to function. The impact resulted in increased brain activity and hormone epinephrine released. These hormones will increase heart rate, raise blood pressure, increase blood supply to the muscles, reducing blood supply to the skin and internal organs, and secrete glucose from the liver. Furthermore, caffeine also increases the neurotransmitter dopamine in the brain surface.Caffeine can be quickly removed from the brain, unlike alcohol or stimulants of the central nervous system so it does not interfere with other higher mental functions and brain pedestal. Consumption of caffeine in a sustainable manner will cause the body to become tolerant to the presence of caffeine. Therefore, if the internal production of caffeine removed (called "dependency discharge"), the body becomes less sensitive to adenosine and cause a sudden drop in blood pressure which in turn cause headaches and other symptoms. A recent study says caffeine can reduce the risk of Parkinson's disease, but it still requires in-depth study.Too much caffeine can cause poisoning (intoxication) caffeine (ie high on caffeine). Among these symptoms are restlessness, anxiety, insomnia, joy, flushing, frequent urination (diuresis), and problems gastrointestial. These symptoms can occur even if only 250 mg of caffeine taken. If more than 1g of caffeine consumed in a day, symptoms such as muscle cramps (muscle twitching), tangling thoughts and words, kardium arrhythmias (disturbances in heart beat) m and turmoil psychomotor (psychomotor agitation) may occur. Caffeine intoxication can also lead to panic and anxiety illnesses.Although it is still safe for humans, caffeine, teofilina, and Theobromine (in cocoa) more poison for some animals, like cats and dogs because of differences in liver metabolism.
so caffeine it will cannot stop the bleeding but only slow it down ekky :)
@haviz : thanks haviz.. i agree with your answer.
BalasHapus@elsa: i will try to answer ..
If we want to do the laboratory synthesis, though, the full method would use dimethylurea and malonic acid...
Methylation of the extracted methylxanthines, using, say methyl iodide is often used instead, and several research papers published recently have used increasing exotic methylating reagents to do this.
Pure caffeine crystals are white, often a fleecy powder, or long silky crystals. At room temperature it is odourless and slightly bitter, and sublimes at 178 ºC. ¹
Most of the world's purified caffeine, used to spike soft drinks (the caffeine in coca-cola is not from cola at all, but added afterwards) and used in over-the-counter medicines comes from extracted caffeine from poor quality coffee beans and tea leaves, or the by-product from decaffeination. There are two major techniques in use; bean decaffeination (using supercritical carbon dioxide) and extract decaffeination (using near boiling water).
guys,, i have problem Caffeine is a central nervouwhy system stimulant drugs in humans.. why it happened and how the mechanism?please help me
BalasHapusChitra, I will try to answer your questions
BalasHapusbased on an article that I read
Caffeine works by stimulating the central nervous system (CNS), heart, muscle and centers that control blood pressure.
Caffeine is an alkaloid derived from belonging to the family of methylxanthine purine together terfilin compound theobromine. In the state of origin of caffeine is a bitter white powder. Its chemical formula is C6H10N4O2 and caffeine are systematic name: 1,3,7-trimetilxanthine and 3.7-dihydro-1,3,7-trimethyl-1-H-purine-2 ,6-dione